Heigh Ho! Agent alert.
What we would do to secure an agent! The right agent. The one that cares, that recognises our native genius, that knows all the right people, that gets us the book deal of our lives.
Dream on.
I've started following agents. Not in the street you understand but in the Twitterverse. It's virtual. No harm's done. Its fun. Who are these people? What do they do? More importantly, how do they think?
Here's a listing of (friendly) agents and agencies that have a presence on Twitter.
Let's start with the agents themselves. Here they are with their Twitter tags, Agencies and edited, or in some cases unedited, versions of their personal riffs. Then we'll move onto the agencies and a handful of editors (if that is the correct collective noun) and other people; publishers, writers and that sort of thing.
It is of course, as always, a personal selection.
Literary Agents on Twitter
- Caroline Hardman @LittleHardman with Hardman & Swainson. Pocket-sized literary agent. Her taste is diverse. Looking for upmarket commercial and literary fiction, quality crime and thrillers, young adult and non-fiction. Drawn to writing that is clever and quirky: smart word play, unusual dark settings, great plot twists, and offbeat characters.
- Charlie Brotherstone @CharlieBroAgent with A.M Heath. QPR fan- Wedding Singer. Charlie represents literary and commercial writers of fiction and non-fiction.
- David Headley @DavidHHeadley with DHH Literary Agency. MD of Goldsboro Books. Bookseller & literary agent. Views are my own. Represents an eclectic range of best-selling and award-winning authors, including novelists, historians, short-story writers and children’s authors and currently only looking for fiction writers.
- Jane Judd @Janelitagent with Jane Judd. Agent to a variety of fiction and non-fiction authors. An eclectic list of non-fiction and fiction writers with an emphasis is on self-help, health, biography, popular history and narrative non-fiction, general and historical fiction and literary fiction. Would love to find quirky and surprising subjects in both fiction and non-fiction.
- Juliet Mushens @mushenska with PFD. Essex and proud, eternal optimist. Delightfully lowbrow. Secretly nerdy. Always looking for new voices. Represents a commercial list of fiction and non-fiction writers. On the fiction side, likes reading group fiction, thrillers, historical fiction, fantasy/SF and commercial writing for children aged 12+ with an emphasis on YA. On the non-fiction side, represents everything from celebrity autobiographies to cook-books, with a passion for inspirational memoirs and a growing list of ghost-writers.
- Juliet Pickering @julietpickering with AP Watt. My views only. Juliet is interested in literary fiction, well-written commercial fiction, mystery, narrative non-fiction and food writing.
- Lisa Eveleigh @richfordbabe with Richford Becklow. Reads, cooks, gardens; fairly nice, quite clever. Founder and primary agent at Richford Becklow. Actively looking to take on new authors and encourage and represent a range of writing talent. Open to reading well-crafted and thoughtful writing in all genres.
- Sallyanne Sweeney @sallyanne_s with Watson Little. Building her list. Looking for talented writers of literary and commercial fiction. Passionate about writing for children & young adults, and is interested in narrative non-fiction, quirky gift books, food writing and crafts.
- Sam Copeland @stubbleagent with Rogers, Coleridge & White. Secret agent in my mind. Literary agent in reality. 20% charm 80% offensive. Building an extremely diverse list, representing writers of both literary and commercial fiction, science fiction, children’s (11+), serious and not-so-serious non-fiction. Happy to look at anything but self-help and business books.
- Susan M Armstrong @susanW1F with Conville & Walsh. Particularly interested in debut literary fiction, upmarket commercial fiction and accessible fantasy and science fiction. Enjoys novels that blend genres, are unusual in setting or circumstance and that have unexpected twists.
Literary Agencies on Twitter
- A.M. Heath & Co. @AMHeathLtd One of the UK's leading literary agencies representing prize-winning, best-selling and iconic authors.
- Conville and Walsh @conville_walsh UK literary agents boasting prize-winning authors. We specialize in launching careers for debut authors.
- Folio Literary
@FolioLiterary NY/US literary agents & book nerds. They have a nice Facebook page.
- PFD Agency @PFDAgents The Peters Fraser & Dunlop Agency is one of the oldest literary agencies in London and is home to a distinguished client list.
- RCW Lit Agency @RCWLitAgency Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd.
- Sheil Land @sheilland A successful and highly respected Literary Agency based in London.
- Watson Little Ltd @watsonlittle Diverse. Enthusiastic. Unique. Savvy.
Editors, authors and other people on Twitter
- Andrew Wille @andrewwille Teach write read edit cook eat.
- Harry Bingham @harryonthebrink My head is home to Fiona Griffiths: Welsh, dark, intense, clever. (Official diagnosis: crime novelist). Also help run Writers Workshop.
- Kamila Shamsie @kamilashamsie Writer. Trustee of EnglishPEN and Free Word.
- Kate Lyall Grant @KateLyallGrant Commercial fiction editor, publisher of the Creme de la Crime imprint at Severn House; committed dog owner and world traveller.
- Martina Boone @4YALit Writer and Adventures in YA Publishing blogger with inspiration, craft, editing & market tips.
- Rachael Harrie @RachaelHarrie Lawyer-turned-architect of words, YA Horror and Dark Fantasy writer, Aussie. I organize Campaigns so writers can network together.
- Roz Morris fiction @ByRozMorris On a mission to prove literary novels can tell a thundering story. Host of The Undercover Soundtrack.
- Roz Morris @dirtywhitecandy Writer, editor. Nearly a dozen ghosted novels in print, 8 bestsellers. Writing book Nail Your Novel. I tweet about writing here.
- Bloomsbury @BloomsburyBooks Publishers of fiction and non-fiction by authors including Khaled Hosseini, J.K. Rowling, William Boyd, Margaret Atwood and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
- FaberBooks @FaberBooks Purveyors of fine books since 1929, and still trading independently. Follow us for Faber news and freebies...
- Severn House @severnhouse Severn House publishes a wide range of fiction, from Crime to Romance. Titles from our best-selling authors are available in all formats.