Thursday, 6 December 2018

Favourite hymns

Better keep this list handy. Never know when you might need it. BBC Songs of Praise poll.

Friday, 16 November 2018

New heavens, new earth

Prof NT Wright on Romans 8, 18-25
Towards a Christian theology of the stewardship of creation. 
Tom doesn't quite go all the way here but he uncovers the path.
Very helpful

Friday, 9 November 2018

The precariat - A follow up

More from Great Transition

What or who exactly is the precariat? 
Is it just a "North" or a "Middle class" thing?
Answer: No

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Words of caution from Jesus himself

Cleaning the house is not sufficient in itself. 
You need to choose your new tenant wisely.

Swept out the house? 
Nice and clean and tidy? 
Spick and span? 


Better watch out
(Wasn't that in Ghost-busters?)

Be careful

Sage advice from F Nietzsche on exorcising your demons. 
Discernment required.


It's that time of the year

Exorcising your demons

Sort of a bit iffy perhaps but has a valid central point: we all have our own personal demons

Landscapism blog

Interesting stuff here on the history of the Welsh borderlands - or should that be English borderlands

Thursday, 1 November 2018

The Precariat - time to fly

Social and economic transformation needed


Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Poetry anthologies

Ten best anthologies: National poetry day 2018

Saturday, 28 July 2018


This is a morning of wild wind
and chasing cloud. We had
rain in the night. I believe
there was thunder. The whole

world seems alive after
weeks of beating sun and heat.
Even the train horn from
the line behind the houses

sounds like it's celebrating.
Plants whip back and forth: such
exuberance among the buddleias!
Today perhaps we can breathe

and go about our business
like normal human beings.