Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Plot, story and episodes

This is a very good blog! Excellent. Read it.

The biggest problem facing the beginning novelist

Blog post: Anne R. Allen

From the blog: 
E.M. Forster illustrated this in one of his famous lectures on novel-writing:  
  • "'The king died and then the queen died' is a story.  
  • 'The king died, and then queen died of grief' is a plot."
Anne R. Allen gives six suggestions to help you get the plot. 
Read it. 
Read the whole blog post. 
Finally, she says:
Ask yourself these questions: 
  • Could you remove a scene or two and still have the same story outcome? 
  • Does the plot build from one inciting incident to an inevitable climax? 
  • Do you have both a protagonist and an antagonist? 
  • Does the protagonist have a goal that isn't achieved until the end?
  • Does your book have three well-defined acts? 
She gives a link to a graphic on the 3-act structure - from Syd Field, author of Screenplay and The Screen Writer's Workbook - as shown on the website of College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn IL, west of Chicago. 
Thank you, Anne. Very helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Phil! Very nice job of condensing my post. (I'll bet you write a great synopsis!) Thanks much for spreading the word.
