Sunday, 24 March 2013

Rewrite: Day 14. Week 2.

No rewriting today.
It's Sunday and time to back off for a few hours. Although I did add 700 words or so to a short story to bring it up to length for The Bath Short Story Award. That will need finishing tomorrow and then I'll have to send it off.
There are the stirrings of some ideas in my mind that are relevant to the rewrite - about how to engage with some of the antagonistas and about how to tell story.

Tonight we watched Beasts of the Southern Wild on DVD. That's storytelling. Perplexing. Entrancing. Touching depths. Magical. I'm still reverberating to Neil Gaiman's storytelling heard on the Neverland radio serialisation and seen on the YouTube May Tale video (see previous posts).

So, a new week begins tomorrow but it's a short week - only two days! with Easter at the end and family birthdays to negotiate en route - so I need to do five days work on Monday and Tuesday and after that I think there will be silence. For a while.

Beasts of the Southern Wild - webpage

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