I've unpacked the car, put the perishables in the fridge and plugged in the laptop. I've switched on the Wi-Fi, made some supper and poured myself a glass of wine and I'm ready to go. It is time, perhaps, for a review of the first week of this madcap scheme.
- It all started on Monday with a declaration of intent, to blog for ninety days in the hope that I could rewrite this novel in that time. Day One.
- Tuesday was Llandovery and Chapter One in which protagonist Broderick gets the call. Broderick is an archaeologist. Day Two.
- Wednesday was the National Library of Wales, archaeology and, in the first half of Chapter Two, Broderick went to investigate. Day Three.
- Thursday was Newquay (Ceredigion), The Hungry Trout, and the car MOT. Meanwhile, in Chapter Two Broderick tangled with his antagonists. Day Four.
- Friday was - well - the less said the better. My laptop went berserk mirroring, to some extent, Broderick's problems in Chapter Three. Day Five.
- On Saturday, I was saved from deep depression by Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, the Welsh rugby team and my wise, sane and sensible wife. Somewhere amidst all this chaos, Broderick got to the end of Chapter Three. Day Six.
P.S. I'm loving this keyboard.
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