Thursday, 4 April 2013

Rewrite: Day 25. On having a sore head.

Woke up with a roaring sore throat and a thick head, so not conducive to writing. I did 750 words but it was totally uninspired. Worked on story structure for a bit. Tried editing but I did not have the required brain activity for that either. Late in the day I managed a better 750 words and some editing. But, with apologies to my principles, I was editing Chapter One! 

I'm sure it's better for it.

Sore throat and sore head to end the day; full blown cold approaching. But, on the good side, I am getting closer to the form of this novel and getting closer to the protagonist and what makes him tick. On top of that the computer is deleting text every time I try and make a correction so this comes complete with uncorrected errors. That's my excuse - perhaps the computer has a sore throat too. Ah! ESC has stopped the deletions. Good.

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