Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Rewrite: Day 37. Progress.

I spent the morning rearranging Chapters Two and Three, turning them inside out and putting the story in a more logical order. I feel as though I know what I'm doing. This may not last. Yesterday I was depressed and feeling that it was never going to work out but today I feel positive. It is going to work out.

I ordered up some books at the National Library of Wales for tomorrow. I plan to go in the morning and do some more research. The National Library of Wales is such a good resource with a great catalogue and I am conscious that I am very lucky to have it on the doorstep. I requested four books to add to the three I have reserved from last week. I will not read them all but I will find some essential information. It's fun!

Today, I chased up an important object on the Internet. It is something called the Arras Medallion and I want to know where it is. One web page said one thing and another said something else, so I sent an email to the British Museum to ask them. Someone there should know but whether I get a reply or not, we shall have to see.

This afternoon, I edited Chapter 18 and compiled Chapters 19, 20 and 21. Chapter 19 was a joy. It uploaded straight from draft and apart from a few judicious cuts it will stand as it is. I am close to the summit. The pivot is very close and I am almost at the tipping point. I can feel the balance starting to shift.

Exciting days!

The National Library of Wales
British Library - the Arras Medallion

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